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Festive Frenzies | S3 EP. 53

Just under two months away from Christmas and the onslaught of festive sales, Singles Day, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas deals are hooning towards us. How can we best prepare for the next few months without added financial stress?

The Bank of Mum & Dad | S3. EP 16

The ‘bank of mum and dad’ is now Aotearoa’s fifth-biggest home loan lender! We sat down with a few of our in-house experts to chat about the ins and outs of the BOMD and how they’re helping their kids into their first homes.

The Rise of the Non-Bank Lenders | S3. EP 3

With the big banks being hit so hard by the new CCCFA rules, more and more borrowers are looking outside the box to fund their next home purchase. For the uninitiated, the range of choices that borrowers have in this sector is surprisingly vast. On this episode the...

A Deep Dive into New Builds | S2. EP 93

Today the team are talking new builds. How is lockdown affecting the progress with shortages of materials and tradies, can people continue to do fixed prices on a new build, and what are the pros and cons to buying a new build?